W Creative has rolled out a customizable Buyer & Seller Guide that I am helping coordinating orders for. A link to preview a sample of the Seller Guide(here). Buyer Guide sample (here). There are 14 different cover options (7 that allow you to add your logo, and 7 without a logo). The following items in the book are customizable:



  1. The cover
  • You can choose a cover option with or without your logo
  1. The bio page (options for single agent version or team versions)
  • Your bio & contact info
  • Short testimonial (for a single agent page)
  • Your team member bios & contact info (for a team page)
  • Your headshot
  • Your team member headshots (if applicable)
  1. Testimonials
  • These are placed on pages 32-33 and on page 3 if using single agent version

These guides can be used a few different ways:


  1. Professionally printed booklets for pre-listing calling cards or as a leave-behind
  2. In-office printed booklets (depending on copier capabilities)
  3. In-office printed single pages to be bound in presentation form (example: comb binding or Unibind)
  4. Moxi Present pages
  5. PDF for emailing to clients or displaying on your website

The seller guides will be created on a first-come-first-serve basis. The goal turnaround window is two weeks from the time we deliver all materials to W Creative (this is for design - professional printing will take a little more time). Because they expect to be handling a high volume of orders, W Creative can offer one round of proofing/edits.

Once we receive the final files for your guide from W Creative, we can help you place an order with the designated printer so you can have the guide in its most professional format. An approx pricing sheet here. We will just need to know the following from you:

  1. How many copies do you want?
  2. Do you want the book to be perfect bound (like a book) or staple bound (like a magazine)?
  3. Do you want to include Matte Lamination or Soft Touch coating?
  4. What address would you like them shipped to?
  5. We will call you for payment information.

Please let me know if you’d like a seller/buyer guide created for you, or if you have any questions about the process.

Please fill out the forms below and email to me at co.help@windermere.com